StarTimes Upgrade Promotion for customers on NOVA, Basic, Smart, and Special Bouquets

StarTimes Upgrade Promotion for customers on NOVA, Basic, Smart, and Special Bouquets


StarTimes is rolling out an exclusive promotion tailored just for customers with the sole aim of encouraging and rewarding customers.

This offer is effective immediately and will run up till the 20th of January 2024.

Upgrade Promotion for customers on NOVA, Basic, Smart, and Special Bouquets, customers who recharge two months will be upgraded to the next higher bouquet.

For customers on Classic or Super Bouquet - customers who recharge two months will receive an extra 14 days (2 weeks) of viewing.

Bouquet Promotion

1. DTT_Nova Month's Fee = 1500 Two Month's Fee= 3000 60Days DTT_Basic

2. DTT_Basic Month's Fee = 2600 Two Month's Fee = 5200 Upgrade Bouquet= 60Days DTT_Classic

3. DTT_Classic Month's Fee = 3800 Two Month's Fee = 7600 Upgrade Bouquet = 74Days DTT_Classic

4. DTH_Nova Month's Fee= 1500 Two Month's Fee = 3000 Upgrade Bouquet = 60Days DTH_Smart

5. DTH_Smart Month's Fee = 3500 Two Month's Fee = 7000 Upgrade Bouquet = 60Days DTH_Special

6. DTH_Special Month's Fee = 5000 Two Month's Fee = 10000 Upgrade Bouquet = 60Days DTH_Super

7. DTH_Super Month's Fee = 6500 Two Month's Fee = 13000 Upgrade Bouquet =   74Days DTH_Super

NOTE:  Customers that downgrade their bouquet will not benefit from the promotion.