N-Power 8 Months Debts To Be Paid Soon, As Internal Audits And Investigations Leads To Recovery Of Funds Held By Consultants For Several Months.
The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and
Poverty Alleviation has recovered funds held by the consultant for several
months. The National Program Manager of N-Power, Mr Akindele, made this known
following the meeting held with representatives of the N-Power
good news is that the funds have been recovered yesterday and you will be
getting your money soon.
for N-Power Beneficiaries Batch C who have been owed for eight months will
begin soon” he said
National Program Manager revealed that the Honourable Minister of Humanitarian
affairs and Poverty Alleviation Dr Betta Edu, have been working round the clock
to arrest irregularities within the Program and other social investment
irregularities have made the common man to lose faith in the ability of
Government to provide social safety cover for its population but Dr Betta Edu
is engaging all necessary steps to resolve these issues and deliver the Renewed
Hope Mandate of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to Nigerians” he assured
irregularities which hitherto had sabotaged the smooth implementation of the
Program are being addressed. It would be recalled that on assumption of duty it
was noted that many beneficiaries did not receive payment for their monthly
allowances while monies were been held up by the consultant managing the
enrollment and payment system whose contract had long expired. The good news is
that the money have been recovered and it would allow for payment of
and more are irregularities which the Honorable Minister is committed to
resolving so as to create a good foundation upon which the Renewed Hope N-POWER
will expand to reach 5 million young Nigerians.
National Program Manager has called on young Nigerians to be patient as the
restructuring was in their best interest and it will lead to expansion of the
program to accommodate millions of Young people.
“President Tinubu is committed to eradicating Poverty and he will deliver on it.” He added.