Fellow 3MTT Training Application Form and Eligibility


Follow this simple guidelines to application as an individual (Fellow Category) for the 3MTT (3 Million Technical Talent) programme of the Federal Government.

If you are selected as an individual applicant, you will receive training in specific technical skills that will empower you to be competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace.

Note the deadline for the application has not been disclosed by the FG, so hurry up and apply before the portal closes.

Apply to Join the 3MTT Fellowship

Are you interested in acquiring technical skills to become more competitive in the local and global technical talent marketplace? Then, apply to join the 3MTT Fellowship Programme.

Eligible Technical Skills

These twelve (12) skills have been identified for the first phase. As the program expands, they will include more skills.

  • Software Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Data Analysis & Visualisation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Product Management
  • Data Science
  • Animation
  • AI / Machine Learning
  • Cybersecurity
  • Game Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Dev Ops


3MTT Fellow Application Process


Bio Data


Contact Information


Background Skills & Employment status


Training Program Choices


What You Should Know as a Fellow

How long will the training programs in this phase run?

The average length of the courses being offered in this phase will be three (3) months.


Is physical attendance mandatory for the training sessions?

The training is hybrid, meaning that it combines online and in-person components. While the majority of the training can be done remotely, there are aspects that will require in-person training.


Will I be required to write an entry assessment?

Yes, there will be an entry assessment to determine the skill benchmark for each applicant. This will also be used in selecting the most applicable course for fellows.


Is there a commitment fee required for selection?

No, there is no fee at all for this phase of the programme.


Will there be financial support for transport, meals and other services in addition to the training?

The only financial support for this phase of the programme will be the cost of training. Participants will be responsible for transportation, meals and other costs.

How to Apply