Up to £60,000 Available under
Climate Change and Forced Displacement Programme
About Climate Change and Forced Displacement Programme
The Climate Change and Forced Displacement Programme is now open for applications to increase the climate resilience of displaced people and their host communities.
The JAC Trust does this by funding initiatives that help the two communities to adapt to climate change while also promoting environmental recovery and protection.
Funding Information
Multi-year grants of up to £60,000 in total are available. Funds should be used within 36 months.
Funding Criteria
- The trust funds initiatives that aim to deliver win-win outcomes for people and planet. All proposals must fulfil all three of the following criteria to be eligible for funding:
- Deliver tangible improvements in the quality of life of displaced people and the host community,
- Have a positive impact on the natural environment (protection or restoration).
- Foster positive engagement between displaced people and their host community.
- Please note JAC Trust does not currently fund work in the UK.
What they will not fund?
- Individuals
- Emergency Relief
- Research
- The promotion of religious causes
- Core costs alone (but they are happy to pay an appropriate share of core costs)
- Academic research
- Organisations with an annual income of more than £10 million
- Work in the UK
Eligibility Criteria
- Registered charities and other non-profit organisations (charities, social enterprises) that have a strong link to the communities they work with.
- Organisations with an annual income of less than £10 million.
Method of Application
Individuals and organisations interested in the Grant Funding should click the link below to apply:
Application Deadline: Deadline: 8th
March 2023
>> For more information, visit JAC Trust.
After applying
Every application will be acknowledged by email within one
week of receipt.